Last Saturday, I played around with the animation maker website, Animatron. I made a couple of videos for the blog, and one to send to my daughter about our family. These animations make wonderful greetings and invitations.
The site is a lot of fun, if you have the time and patience to try new tech. Don’t be afraid, even if you are a “Google Dork,” as one of my friends calls herself. Remember, you can’t break it! The weekend is a perfect time to play around on the computer, in between chores and soccer/baseball games, shopping, gardening… you get the idea!

I use the screenshot in my phone or tablet for the stills, like the ones I used on this page. I haven’t found another way to capture stills. Please comment if you know a way to do it!

Best of all, you can create projects for free, if you are okay with the watermark and closing logo. How can you beat that?
You can download your animation, which I recommend, or directly share it. By downloading it, I was able to save the video to Dropbox and then add it to this post, Facebook, Instagram, and so on. These videos become engaging promos for your blog or business.
We bloggers call ourselves creatives for good reason. It is satisfying to create something. Give it a try, and let us know how it worked out.
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