Language Barriers? Tear Down the Wall! (And Keep Your Inbox Tidy)

The vast amount of experience and information that you can find on the Internet is crazy and awesome.  And so much of it is available for the grand price of: free.

I know what you are thinking. You get what you pay for.  Normally, I would be on board with that sentiment.  But, lately, I’ve found so much that has made my life more fun and interesting.

Today, as I was reading one of my favorite blogs (The Cricket Pages), Rachel explained that you can learn some popular languages online for free.

I’ve been looking at overseas airline prices, and saw some really great deals on travel to Paris.  So, I thought that brushing up on my French would be a good idea.

I opened a new tab and Googled “Duolingo.” Ta da!  I can spend 5 minutes a day (I set my goal on the low side!) relearning all of the French I’ve forgotten over the years.

All it costs me is my email address.  That isn’t much of a price to pay, especially if you’ve created a junk email account as I suggested last year.

If you have a Gmail account, avoiding the incoming is even easier. You can simply mark the emails from a particular source to go directly to your “Social” or “Promotional” tabs instead of your Inbox.

Here’s how to do that:

1. Open your Gmail account. See those little boxes in front of each email? Click on the box in front of the email you want to move. It will become highlighted.

2. Right click on the email title. You will see a choice of actions. Choose “Move to tab.”

3. You will then see choices of “Social” and “Promotions.” Choose the tab that you want the email to be filed under.

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4.  Once you choose, you’ll see a yellow message box that asks you if you want all future messages from this source to go directly to this tab. Choose “yes.”

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Great! Now your Primary inbox (the one you see when you open your account) won’t automatically show emails from this source. Your life will be a little neater!

Speaking of neater, you should probably spend some time occasionally deleting emails from all of your mailboxes.

Meanwhile, enjoy your 5 minute language lessons!

Au revoir


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Author: A. JoAnn

Here is where I share the beauty I find in everyday life; and the humor, too!

One thought

  1. I was using duolingo for a while. Its pretty cool .. . just got a little redundant and I starting skipping my 5 a day 🙂 But it’s a great way to get familiar with the language again or just for the first time!

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