Six-on-Saturday is six pictures of garden beauty, with limited comment!
Last week, I was lucky to have the opportunity to visit Paris and stroll through Luxembourg Gardens.
It was a bit early to see the glory of springtime in Paris, but I enjoyed the beauty that this city is famous for.
Though it was cloudy the week of our trip, we managed to avoid most of the rain. I was reminded again and again how the color pink makes any garden look good!
Luxembourg Gardens brings natural beauty to the neighborhoods of central Paris. Even the tree bark has something to offer the careful observer.
Jacobaea maritima create a colorful carpet.
The cloudy, threatening skies didn’t keep people away. Just an umbrella was needed to take a stroll across the park and see the meticulously planted beds.
When the weather doesn’t support massive flower displays, ornamental touches like sculptures round out the views. This sculpture in Luxembourg gardens is called Le Marchand de Masques (The Mask Seller).
Le Marchand de Masques
by Zacharie Astruc
French musicians, writers, and painters are represented in this sculpture, including Corot, Dumas, Berlioz, Carpeaux, Faure, Delacroix, Balzac and Barbey d’Aurevilly and Victor Hugo.
In our last couple of days, we enjoyed the frilly saucer magnolia blooms starting to unfurl. Next week will no doubt bring a full-on bloom of these early flowing trees.
Thanks to The Propagator for hosting Six-on-Saturday. See more from gardens around the world here.