Updated on April 22, 2024.
Trying to find deer-resistant plants?
Keeping deer from devouring everything in your yard is especially difficult in spring and fall.
We live in a very deer-dense suburb of Northeast Ohio. So, even when a tree, shrub, or plant is labeled “deer-resistant,” I proceed with caution.
Late last summer, I placed a fall bulb order and really limited myself to what I believed would survive intense foraging.
Then, heading into the garden stores in spring, I was enticed by the vivid photos on packages of bulbs and other plants.
Again, I limited my purchases to those I felt would survive.
I’ll share with you below the plants and bulbs have thrived, and what made me choose these varieties.
Deer-Resistant Snow Drops for Hope

Snow drops (Galanthus) are the first plants to bloom in our yard, often in late February when the deer are still scavenging and hungry.
They don’t touch the snow drops, so I can verify that these spring bulbs are absolutely deer-resistant. Why don’t deer like these early bloomers? Well, they belong to the family Amaryllidaceae. Members of this family contain galantamine and lycorine in their bulbs, which are poisonous. Daffodils also contain these chemicals.
Snow drops are also easy to grow in a shady spot and multiply freely, two characteristics that I consider highly valuable.
But the best thing about these beauties is that they pop up just when you need a little reminder that spring truly is on its way and the cold barren landscape will green up once more.
Wisteria for Beauty

This wisteria plant came in a plastic bag surrounded by a cardboard sleeve. It’s your typical bargain store purchase.
Sometimes, these plants grow well, and sometimes they are diseased or dead. For $3.00, I thought I’d give it a try. As you can see, the buds are showing promise.
Will deer eat it? My research told me that it is not favored by deer, at least not the smaller American variety of wisteria. I’ve seen it growing in a neighborhood yard. That’s what convinced me I’d be okay with this choice.
Time will tell.
Narcissus Are Absolutely Deer-Resistant
Occasionally, I’ll read claims that deer eat narcissus, but in the 28 years we’ve lived here, I’ve never seen my plants nibbled by any animal, let alone deer.
Narcissi contain high amounts of oxalic acid, which keeps animals away.

This is the newest variety I’ve tried. It is a large-cup trumpet type called ‘British Gamble.’ (Nod to my friends ‘cross the pond.)
Look at those giant cups! The bulbs were huge when they arrived. Every one of them bloomed, some with multiple flowers. I bought these from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs. I’ve always been pleased with the quality of their plants.
Corydalis solida ‘White Knight’

Corydalis solida ‘White Knight’
I’ve been successfully growing the yellow variety of corydalis (Corydalis lutea) for many years. This is another plant high in oxalic acid.
Last fall I planted a white variety. The results have been great. I like the upright form of ‘White Knight’, and the slightly darker green foliage.
I wonder if it will spread as freely as the common variety?
A Tall Weeping Cherry Tree

Don’t get me wrong, fruit trees are favorites of hungry deer. The key is to buy one that’s tall – preferably seven feet or taller.
This usually means that you are paying big bucks (excuse the pun).
Providence led me to this tree in the clearance section of a “big box” store. It was not blooming but had several things going for it: It was over 6 feet tall, and the leaves looked healthy. It also is a variety in high demand, Weeping Yoshino Cherry Tree (Prunus x yedoensis pendula).
The deer did browse on the lower-hanging branches, but most of it was above their reach. The tree is still very young with only a few blooms this year, yet I think this bargain will prove to be a great success.
“Wild” Muscari

The traditional grape hyacinth (Muscari) has been put in the family, Asparagaceae.
Muscari means “musk” in Greek, relating to its scent.
Those two details, plus the fact that they’ve been growing in our yard for almost three decades, tells me that these little gems are not deer fodder.
I don’t care for this bulb growing in my formal flower borders because the foliage looks scrappy and unkempt. But, they are striking growing under maple trees or at the edges where the lawn meets the woods.
Forsythia Is Spring’s Gold

It’s as common as dirt, but every spring I am thankful for the forsythia. It blooms like gangbusters, and roots so easily just by putting a cut branch in a vase of water.
Proceed with caution in deer country. Although I’m calling it deer-resistant, deer will eat smaller plants (under 6 feet).
I’ve protected new “shrublings” by surrounding them with three bamboo stakes wrapped in deer netting.
Once the plant gets on in years and in height, the deer will leave it be.
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention – and Experiments
You can do your research and still fail when it comes to growing gardens in areas that are heavily populated by deer. There are so many variables to consider, like population density, availability of food, and (yes) local deer palates.
Be diligent, and keep experimenting. Hopefully, some of my experience will help you to have a beautiful yard, even in deer country.
Get ideas for deer-resistant annuals here, perennials here, and bulbs to plant in fall here.
This post is patterned according to the rules from “Six-on-Saturday,” hosted by The Propagator: My Plant Obsession. You can see photos from enchanting gardens around the world here.