A blue morning glory blossom with white star throat and yellow center

When Do Morning Glories Bloom?

My over-zealous addition of fertilizer had cause this disappointment.  The plants put all of their energy into growing, not reproducing.  Fertilizing lesson learned.

patio table set with appetizers

Went to a Garden Party

The party honored our newly married nephew and his wife.   The garden and its cool shade provided a serene setting for the happy occasion.

a few ripe blackberries among scores of unripe red ones

Berry, Berry Good, Six on Saturday 8-4-18

I just noticed that the color theme here is red and white. In fact, those are the colors of the wild and cultivated flowers that are in bloom.

white flowers of hosta and purple flowers of tradescantia

Trimming Back Plants Another Round of Bloom

I remember watching a friend as she pulled faded petals off her flowers and told me that the plants would be more likely to re-bloom because she did this.

When I started gardening, I did the same.

My petunias still looked awful by the end of July.

Day lily bloom shows a bright yellow throt with dark peach colored outer petals

Great Flower and Garden Photos With A Camera Phone

Not every picture speaks a thousand words, but once in a while you capture something…