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Easy to Make Mosaic Stepping Stones

garden stepstone mosaic

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a picture of a mosaic tile stepping stone that I made to cover a drainpipe in my garden.  I made this stone from a kit that my brother gave me one Christmas.

It took me several years to get up the “grit” to make the stone. I know, it sounds silly. I justify my fear by offering that I had never worked with concrete mixes before, and I didn’t want to make a mess of it. In short, I was intimidated.

Well, once I got over the fear factor, let me tell you that it was an easy and fun project.  Basically, you design (or choose) a pattern. Then, mix and pour the concrete into a plastic form. Next, you choose the glass pieces you want, and put them onto the poured concrete. Finally, you let the stone sit until dry. That’s it!

You don’t have to buy a kit. The supplies are basic: your design pattern, a stepping stone form, concrete mix, and pieces of tile, or pebbles, or sea glass, broken glass, shells, etc. The nice thing about a kit, at least for your first attempt, is that everything you need, plus instructions and design templates, are included.

Whether you go kit, or kit-less, you can incorporate glass, stones, and shells that you have collected from special vacations. What a wonderful way to keep your memories! A custom-made stepping stone would also make a beautiful gift for someone special.

(click on images to see details)


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