Well, today it is about 19°F (-7°), and we’ve had frost every night. Yesterday was a bright, sunny day and so the cold was bearable because the sky was brilliant. The clouds have moved in, though. We expect several inches of snow on Tuesday.
It is December, so all of this is expected. Yet, I haven’t done everything that I wanted to outside. Such is the life of a gardener, no? I’ve been having too much fun blogging and traveling to get all of my chores done. Ha!
I’ll start my six today with a photo from yesterday’s hike. Head on over to The Propagator for views of other gardens around the world.

Whether it was the cold, a lingering virus, or the added clothing, I struggled to get air in my lungs as I hiked out of the valley.
The blue sky and a few podcasts made the exercise fun, though.

I debated about including this photo today. I am embarrassed about how it looks as though I was too lazy to rake leaves! But, truth be told, I was persistent in getting them picked up. It’s just that these darn oaks wouldn’t let go until a heavy frost finally broke them.

Yes, I am always complaining about our resident herd of white-tailed deer; but, somehow Christmas wouldn’t be the same without our trusty grapevine specimen. Last year, a lot of the light bulbs burned out, so I restrung the form with LED lights fastened with cable ties. We’re back in business!

The frost had its way with the parsley and pulmonaria; both have given in to the cold. In the past, I’ve allowed the parsley (a biennial) to grow in its second year; but I think I will dig this up and replant it. I’ve read that the leaves don’t have as much flavor on the second go-round.

I’m in awe of the virility of our climbing hydrangea vine. When I first planted it, we saw very little growth. After ten years, it has become a behemoth.

Finally, I’ll close with the midsummer scene that opened this post, just to remind us that summer will return!
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Heh, love the deer. 🙂
Wow look at that hydrangea! I have a white flowered climbing hydrangea that has taken years to really grow at all. It did put on a fair bit of growth this year so I wonder if it finally getting into its stride. It does get smothered a but by the dwarf hop it shares a trellis with. That probably doesn’t help…
Thank you so much ?
Loved the winter & summer comparison photos. Your climbing hydrangea’s done well. I brought my parsley inside this year, having never heard of the less flavour problem. Makes total sense. I’ll just have to buy new for next year! Lovely collection this week.
Right you are, Chris.?
19 is great age to be but stinks as a temperature! Yikes! ^.^