While hiking through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, we came upon an old but well-maintained clapboard farmhouse called Stanford House. The house is available for rent, and facilities include a large fire pit and split firewood.
The cute little outbuilding is behind the main house.

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Just thinking this would make a nice black and white image.
Yes! That sounds right. I’m surprised it is brick. As a smokehouse, it would be less likely to burn down!
Thank you! Hopefully, I’ll see a park ranger the next time I’m there and be able to find out more!
There was a tiny wooden building on my first husband’s farm and he told me it was where his mum used to separate the cream from the milk after she had milked the cows.
This one might be where they hung meat after slaughter.
It looks like a smoke house – or store house of some sort?
Very original selection!