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Went to a Garden Party

I went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same  –John Fogerty

A couple of weeks ago, we headed to a cousin’s beautiful home for a garden party.  It was a perfect Sunday afternoon.  Although the clouds gave us a little scare, not a drop of rain fell.  In fact, the clouds offered relief from the heat that the last week of July always seems to bring.

The party honored our newly married nephew and his wife.   The garden and its cool shade provided a serene setting for the happy occasion.

Appetizers for an Outdoor Party

A charcuterie board, olives, bruschetta, and grapes are appetizers that stand up to the summer temperatures.

Slip-covered chairs and a beautiful runner reflecting the garden theme.


A Closer Look at the Garden Party Setting

Welcome path edged with hosta, astilbe, ferns, and potted annuals.

Lichen and moss cover a stone wall, perfectly complemented by clay pots that look handmade.

A longer view of the patio, walk, and garden. The white dress of the tables and chairs, and white patio umbrella, bring touches of light to the shade garden.

In the Pink

The Raspberry Pink door is a show-stopper, and so are the begonias that flank it.  The pink theme continues in eye-catching touches all around the home.

Stone “chimes” hanging from the metal arch add to the feeling that this garden has depth and permanence.

The largest fountain in the garden is a waterfall hosting a happy frog.

A nymph protects the bird bath.  She’s surrounded by phlox, astilbe, sensitive fern, and primula.

The texture and pattern of the urn is echoed in the ruffled coleus leaves.


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