A blue morning glory blossom with white star throat and yellow center

When Do Morning Glories Bloom?

My over-zealous addition of fertilizer had cause this disappointment.  The plants put all of their energy into growing, not reproducing.  Fertilizing lesson learned.

Make Your Own Sea-Salt Caramel Sauce: Cooking up Your Farmer’s Share

I’ve used this on ice cream, in coffee, as a fresh apple dip, and even in an apple pie filling, with walnuts, to make a super delicious dessert.

patio table set with appetizers

Went to a Garden Party

The party honored our newly married nephew and his wife.   The garden and its cool shade provided a serene setting for the happy occasion.

blackberry cobbler is warm and topped with vanilla ice cream

Blackberry Cobbler: Cooking Up Your Farmer’s Share

When you are looking for a particular fruit dessert recipe, what’s in a name becomes important. 

a few ripe blackberries among scores of unripe red ones

Berry, Berry Good, Six on Saturday 8-4-18

I just noticed that the color theme here is red and white. In fact, those are the colors of the wild and cultivated flowers that are in bloom.