Roasted vegetables served over rice and drizzled with sunflower butter dressing

Roasted Vegetables and Rice Is a MIND Diet Home Run

Roasted vegetables and rice for dinner fits with one of our 2022 goals: Eat More…

A covered casserole dish is perfect for beef pot roast.

Braised Meats on the Winter Menu

The meat is cooked in the liquid in a covered casserole dish or Dutch oven under low heat for several hours. As the liquid is absorbed by the meat and reduced, you end up with a succulent dish with complex flavors.

Thumbprint cookies filled with pink cherry frosting

Thumbprint Cookies Make Your Christmas Tray Classic

Introduce your family to the flavors of classic Christmas cookies by including these thumbprint gems on your holiday cookie platter.

A gingerbread man ornament appears to be running away from the cookie cutter

Do You Need A Break From Another Hallmark Christmas?

Here are a few picks that will liven up your holiday viewing without giving you that sickly sweet feeling in your stomach or general numbness in your brain.

Watercolor picture of leafless elm silhouetted against sunset sky

The Mystery: Crime Is Only the Beginning

The problem is that after reading or watching enough crime and mystery stories you get pretty good at unveiling the murderer.

Caramelizing the chicken pieces with the chopped onions and carrots

Chicken in a Pot with Turmeric and Lemon

Fall weather brings with it the desire to cozy up and eat something warm and delicious. Chicken in a Pot is one of those dishes that seems perfect for the occasion.

crumbled feta tops the fresh peach and corn

Fresh Peach and Corn Salad with Lemony Vinaigrette

Both the fresh peach and corn added to the salad are raw and that may surprise you – it surprised me. But the combo tastes fantastic.

A New Start, A New Garden

If you’ve never tried gardening but are curious about it, I encourage you to give it a go. Yes, it can be a lot of work. But it’s also good exercise, meditative, and personally satisfying.

This potato salad is best served at room temperature

German Potato Salad Makes Perfect Picnic Fare

Give the potatoes time to soak up some of the dressing before serving at room temperature. Don’t worry about storage – there won’t be any leftovers!

Irritating Plant Allergies You Should Know About

I remember pulling dead leaves off my euphorbia. Did I wash my hands or scratch after removing gloves? Did I wear gloves? I honestly can’t remember.

A three-tier tray displays lemon squares and ricotta cheese cookies.

Staying Social with an Outdoor Birthday Tea Party

This Covid Birthday Tea Party will be a fond memory and a reminder that socializing with friends is so important, even during a pandemic.

Lemon ginger tea tastes great with ricotta cheese cookies

Ricotta Cheese Cookies Are a Treasured Italian Family Recipe

Leave it to my friend Denise to “show me the way.” She generously shared her family recipe with me, and now with you!

A fountain among primroses and astilbe

Will Intermittent Fasting Lead Us to The Fountain of Youth?

There really is science behind the current fasting diets, and all it may take is doing a regular 16-24 hour fast to see long-term benefits.

Lots of vegetables and berries are a part of the TB12 eating plan.

It’s Super Bowl Sunday. Should You Eat Like Tom Brady?

Is this eating plan doable? We shall see – after the Super Bowl.

Photo of onion, radishes, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, and strawberries

Local Produce Means You’ll Eat Well in 2021

Unless you do your research, it isn’t always clear what produce is seasonal and locally grown.

watercolor of red and pink potted cyclamen

Love, Valentine’s Day

I still get sentimental when I pass a cellophane-protected display of pink and red cyclamen ready for purchase, or a package of lacy paper doilies.

Photo of soup garnished with creme fraiche and fresh chives

It’s Easy to Create and Share a Digital Recipe File

Both my son and daughter use the digital method to share cooking and grocery shopping responsibilities. They include agreed upon, tested recipes. This cuts down on return trips to the market for forgotten ingredients and saves the back-and-forth of “What do you want to eat tonight?

Countryside view of fields

All Creatures Great and Small on PBS Tonight: Comfort Stories a Soothing Balm

What makes Herriot’s Yorkshire come alive is his obvious love for all creatures great and small, furry or bipedal.