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Making Every Garden Border a Potager: Six on Saturday 5-19-18

The Fenced Garden Is Valuable Real Estate

Last year, I mentioned that I would try to grow some veggies and herbs outside of the “garden proper,” and save the fenced in beds for shrubs and perennials that our woodland friends like to eat.

I have potted some tomatoes and cucumbers to grow on the deck, and moved herbs around the outside of the fence and in various borders around the house.

So far, nothing has been munched. Hooray!


Basil, Basil Everywhere

I’ve got basil growing in the front, along with rose bushes.  Why not? Basil looks good all season long.

Basil planted with roses.

Parsley, oregano, mint, and lavender are growing in the border around the garden fence.


Onions and Chives, Oh, My!

Chives are ready to bloom in the border next to the deck.  As an added bonus, they are even closer to the kitchen than they were before!

Onion sets have also gone into the same area.  The border contains rich soil and is within easy reach of the hose, so they should be very happy here.

Another “outside-the-box” thought that occurred to me: Does every tomato plant have to go into the same bed?  Why not design the gardens more like pots, or flower borders, where you mix it up a bit artistically?  For me, the only problem would be remembering where it all is.

The photos will definitely help.

I’m optimistic that this new approach will turn out well, and give me more room to protect the plants that need more TLC.

Stay tuned for updates!  And, visit The Propagator for photos from gardens all over the world.


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