Sweetshrub "Aphrodite" has large cerise blooms that smell like apples

Summer Garden Heats Up (Six on Saturday, 6-30-18)

One of the best shows so far has been a one year-old sweetshrub that I sensibly protected with deer net.  It has been sending out these beautiful cerise blooms on last year’s growth.

pink petals with cream triangles in the center, and rust-colored freckles decorate the lily

Lily, We Love You! Six on Saturday, 6-23-18

Yes, I have been teased about my urn planters sporting cherry tomato plants.  That’s okay, though. I’ll enjoy popping those sweet, sun-warmed tomatoes right into my mouth while I sit on the deck reading the latest thriller.

Blue pulmonaria, rhubarb and forsythia fill the garden with texture and color

Making Every Garden Border a Potager: Six on Saturday 5-19-18

I’ve got basil growing in the front, along with rose bushes.  Why not? Basil looks good all season long.

Honeysuckle "Hawkeye" bloom is pink, with bright and prominent yellow stamen.

April in the Garden, Six-on-Saturday 4-21-18

The daffodils waited to bloom, and still are being stung by repeated snowfall.  I share their “droopy-headed” resignation. 

Basil plants at 3 weeks are getting broad leaves and are ready to move to bigger pots

Growing Seedlings Indoors

Narcissus “King Alfred” is the first of my narcissus species to bloom.  The other varieties I’ve planted are slower. Like me, they just didn’t want to get out of the bed!

A glass lantern chandelier shade houses newly planted vines

Six on Saturday, Upcycling in the Garden

Upcycle A Lantern Chandelier Into A Mini Greenhouse! This is my craziest upcycle so far, for 2018.

yellow, purple, orange, and lime blooms on tiny cacti

Six on Saturday 3-24-18, Are We There Yet?

Gardeners from around the world share six photos relating to their gardens, or clients’ gardens, or gardens they visit.

Basil plants at 3 weeks are getting broad leaves and are ready to move to bigger pots

How to Start Your Own Garden Seeds

The benefits of choosing the varieties you like, avoiding the importation of weeds, pests and disease, and growing healthy plants far outweighs a little inconvenience and time investment.

Six on Saturday 2-24-18, Itching to Start Gardening

It looks as though winter is really on its way out.  Though, there is always…

American basswood flowers and seeds

Six on Saturday, 1-27-18: Sketches

I have great intentions, but the atmosphere isn’t propelling me into any of the gardening preparations I could begin now.