Yesterday, I pulled out my “Easter” storage box to put up a springtime garland and decorated eggs.
It’s the time of year when spring is so fickle. One day is sunny and warm and the next is cloudy and snowing.
So, decorations become a way to hold on to good vibes.

As I pulled the eggs out of their brown bag, a small folded piece of paper fluttered to the floor.
Here’s what it said:
“You got some big trading cards. Give this to Kara.”
Another piece of paper said:
“You got a box. It’s okay, it’s a pretty box. Go to Kara to get it.”
The last piece of paper proclaimed:
“CONGRATS! You got a chalkboard! Give this coupon to Kara.”
A History of our Egg Hunts
Kara is my daughter.
When she was little, her aunt and uncle would host an egg hunt around Easter time for Kara and her brother, Will.

The eggs were filled with coins. Kara and Will would run through the yard collecting as many eggs as they could find.
It was great fun.
Too Big to Hunt
As Kara got older, her creativity blossomed. She devised an egg hunt where coupons redeemable for specific prizes were in the eggs instead of the prizes themselves.
Such a smart girl!
She held egg hunts for the neighborhood kids and recycled toys that she no longer played with as prizes.
What were the positives for me and the other parents on our street?
Our kids were occupied organizing and hosting the hunt while the neighborhood kids were engaged in hunting and then playing with their prizes.

We cleared out some toys without throwing stuff away, and the neighborhood kids got new stuff to play with for free.
Managing Plastic Waste
Buy your plastic eggs at the dollar store and reuse them each year. This will save you money and keep plastic out of landfills.

When your kids are grown, you can donate the eggs to a resale center or use them to make your own holiday garland, wreath, or other spring decorations.
You can even save them for the day your grandchildren are ready to go egg hunting.