It looks as though winter is really on its way out. Though, there is always a chance of the white stuff or hard frost through mid-May. The question of when to start gardening in our area has an answer that I don’t like.
The common wisdom is start gardening after May 15th!
Last year, in my eagerness to get growing, I planted out during the last week in April. Big mistake. The seedlings languished in the fluctuating temperatures and never became well-established.
In short, the idea that I was getting a jump on the season was a huge fail.

The ground is saturated from all of the rain we’ve had, so I’ve been careful to stay out of the beds. The only tasks I can start now are raking and edging; and the edging may be easier in the fact that the ground is soft, but the soil is so heavy and muddy that I’m not eager to begin.

Buying cut flowers at the market, and planting seeds seems to be the answer to the urge to garden. This is the time to start for us, since planting out is so late.

I’m rather proud of the light assembly that I “made.” To be honest, I got the materials list and directions from the blog My Square Foot Garden, and convinced the home store clerk to cut the PVC pipe for me. My only job was assembly.

Another hobby I’ve taken up to satisfy my gardening appetite, is painting flowers. My kids gave me a Wacom board for Christmas. I love it! It takes some getting used to. My first attempt is sort of juvenile. I am getting a bit better, but you won’t mistake any of these for a Picasso.

Also, I headed back to the orchid show, which runs through March 11th. If you have a public glasshouse in your area, now is a great time to visit.

That’s my Six on Saturday! For more stories of gardens from around the world, visit The Propagator.
? –Jo
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Lora, you’ve been nominated!
Yes, I ‘ll never learn!
Waiting is the hardest skill of gardening. And I am rubbish at it!
Waiting to plant is so hard, especially when everyone else is planting their seeds. Room’s the problem – I don’t have a greenhouse & only once had room in my house to grow seedlings. Now I know the answer – go buy some cut flowers & that’ll help keep the early seeder in me at bay. Agree that the pussy will is a great touch.
That light rig is awesome!
Yes, I went on a flower buying spree yesterday. Couldn’t take it anymore. Purple tulips and white Freesias. Aaah. Your orchid photo is gorgeous!
Waiting is such a challenge! Love those pussy willows mixed in.