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30 Days of Health and Contentment: Day 4, Meditation, and a Wheat berry Salad Recipe

Angel wing double begonia

Angel wing double begonia

There have been some ups and downs in the first few days of January. Making changes isn’t easy. Likewise, getting involved in social media has its pluses and minuses.

I want to share with you some success I experienced as a result of social media.

This week, I traveled to Chicago to return my daughter to school. It was an extremely cold day, at some points the temperature was just 3 degrees. Our feet were freezing.  The wind was bitter. Gas pumps weren’t working, washer fluid was in short supply, and fellow travelers were grumpy.

After dinner, I just wanted to get under the covers, write some blog posts, and go to sleep. But, I hadn’t yet done my 50 minutes of aerobic exercise.  My daughter predicted I would skip the exercise, and I agreed that I probably would.

Something interesting and inspiring happened to change my mind.  I checked my Facebook notifications and saw that a friend had commented on that day’s post.  She reported that she enjoyed the post, and was inspired to order eggs and spinach rather than waffles for breakfast.

What a compliment! How could I forego the first day’s exercise plan with that wonderful feedback?

Step 1: I put on my workout clothes.

Step 2: I went down to the gym and told myself I’d do just a little, easy exercise.

Step 3: It got easier and easier to stick to the plan as I broke down that 50 minutes into 10 minute goals.

Step 4: I completed the entire 50 minutes according to plan. It felt great.

Some of the takeaways are obvious, and some are more subtle.

First, if you face challenges in sticking to your menu and exercise plans, take it bit by bit, so to speak.  Put on your exercise clothes. Commit to ten minutes. Not so bad? Commit to ten minutes more. Before you know it, you’ve succeeded! Didn’t quite make it to 50 minutes? Don’t engage in self-loathing. Congratulate yourself on what you did accomplish, and reassure yourself that you’ll continue to improve.

Second, support from others can inspire you. If someone else can do it, you can, too. Don’t hesitate to share your successes and failures. I sometimes keep my goals a secret for fear that I will miss the mark. Sound familiar? Sure, there are negative people who will point out your failures as evidence that no one ever changes.  Stay away from those people!

Hang around your friends, including those on social media, who give positive feedback and support. It really does work, and my story absolutely supports this fact.

Please continue to be positive and supportive in the comments section here, or on the A.Joann Facebook or Instagram pages! Many followers are reading and looking for your support, including me! 2018 can be a year of change in more ways than just diet and exercise. Our 30 days of Health and Contentment can include a commitment to supporting our communities in the new year: a positive change from the turmoil of 2017.

Here’s to a truly Happy New Year!

Read more about 30 Days of Health and Contentment for inspiration, ideas, and free resources:

30 Days of Health and Contentment: Introduction

30 Days of Health and Contentment: Day 1

30 Days of Health and Contentment: Day 2

30 Days of Health and Contentment: Day 3

Plan for Today

Today starts like every day! Planning to make it a healthy and happy one.  Start by planning your menu in the MyPlate app. (see above posts for links).

Yoga that includes at least 10 minutes of relaxation/meditation is on our exercise agenda. Add some free online yoga classes and meditation lessons to your 30 Days of Health and Contentment “tool belt.”

What’s for Dinner?

Feeling like something fresh and sunny? Try this Wheat Berry Salad recipe, one of our family favorites. To reduce the sweetness, cut down or cut out the honey in the dressing. You won’t miss it, as the orange and apple add natural sweetness.

For Your Enjoyment

Check out Yashica Pentamatic Fanatic blog for beautiful photos of WARM locales! Chris and Carol share their lovely photography and cheerful comments with the world, and we thank them for doing so. One of their sunset photographs could be a meditation scene for you!

Have a wonderful day today, and let us know how it went.



This post is not intended to offer medical advice. Check with your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise plan.

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