June Garden: Six on Saturday June 2, 2018

Variegated Korean Lilac

The leaves of the miniature lilac are green with ivory colored splashes
Maybe this is a new cultivar?

My favorite method of propagating shrubs is digging up suckers.  That’s how I started a Korean lilac hedge for the cost of one plant.

As I was weeding this weekend, I noticed that one of the new plants had variegated leaves.  Have I discovered a new variety?!  Couldn’t find a variegated Korean lilac on the Internet. Hmmm.

June Border

The front border is looking spectacular, with layers of blooming flowers like a dessert tray.  Even with rain knocking over the peonies, it still looks grand.

White peonies and pink dictamnus are layered with purple nepeta and white snow-in-summer flowers.
Dictamnus, peonies, nepeta, and cerastium make a striking June border.


The Siberian and bearded iris have started to bloom, and the abundant moisture has kept them fresh-looking.  Too often, the Siberian iris fades after a day or two, but not this year.  After daffodils, these are some of my favorite flowers.

Siberian iris is a deep purple-blue


The sawfly larvae did damage again this year.  I have been vigilant in my garden rounds, except for the four days we spent in Boston for our son’s graduation.  Of course, that is when they struck! The climbing rose (William Baffin) and azalea (Exbury, Lemon Lights) foliage was destroyed.  I did some hand-picking and used insecticidal soap to save the rose buds.

William Baffin climbing rose is a bright pink with yellow stamen

Dictamnus albus, aka, Gas plant

The flowers of Dictamnus albus (Peruvian lily) are pink and white
Dictamnus albus

It’s common name isn’t pretty, but this herbaceous perennial sure is!  Deer resistant, sturdy, with flowers that look like alosteria, this is one of my favorite garden flowers.

The flowers give off a gas that keeps the critters away; and is flammable! Of course, it’s unlikely that the deer will be smoking around this plant.

Bear with Me

The big (and, I mean, big) wildlife excitement around here is a black bear!

It has been spotted only half a mile east of our home. Then, someone caught it on camera just a mile or so south of us.

My next-door neighbor called me over the other evening when I was out watering the pots.  He said he wanted to show me something.

We walked over to the footbridge he had recently built over our little creek.  There, quite clearly, where the large paw prints of a bear.

Bear print on wooden bridge slat.
Bears have five toes.

With the coyotes howling at night and the hawks swooping after songbirds at the feeder, I am starting to feel like we live in the Wild West!

If only bears ate venison… .

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Author: A. JoAnn

Here is where I share the beauty I find in everyday life; and the humor, too!

11 thoughts

  1. A bear !? (a big cat ..) amazing! We are waiting for live pictures now …
    About the Dictamnus, I didn’t know this plant and the video is very explicit. I have to google about it, especially since the flowers are beautiful

  2. Thank you! We have been working hard, and Mother Nature even harder!

  3. Thanks! You will love dictamnus. It’s slow to get started, but worth the wait.

  4. They sure are. I want to, and don’t want to see this bear, if you know what I mean!

  5. A bear! Now that’s something I wouldn’t like to have to think about coming into my garden. Your border is looking beautiful indeed, and that gas plant is a novelty.

  6. Your photos are bright and gorgeous. I must check out if Dictamnus would grow here. Love your idea of bear taking care of that deer issue. Hahaha.

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