lentils cook in vegetable broth and spices

Easy Lentils for Everyday

Make the lentils in a pot, grill the veggies, and cook up some rice.  You’ll be amazed at the flavor of this late summer dish!

egg casserole dinner with side salad and white wine

Egg Casserole with Arugula, Broccoli, and Basil for Meatless Mondays

Substituting greens like arugula, including broccoli, and flavoring with fresh basil makes this recipe more nutritious than the typical processed meat egg casserole.

basil leaves, tomato, fresh mozzarella and chicken cubes on a stick

Picnic Food: Chicken Caprese On-a-stick

Necessity is the mother of invention, right?  This recipe idea evolved as I thought about how to make Chicken Caprese portable.

Allium have large purple pompom flowers

6 Deer-Resistant Spring Blooming Plants

Chemical content, scent, and texture all play a part in repelling foragers.  And their effectiveness follows in that order.

A large daisy flower in bright yellow gold with center markings of deep brown and purple.

Fall Favorite Flowers, Six on Saturday 9-8-18

The border that the Rudbeckia grows in has a little “secret path” that makes it easier for me to get into the bed to weed.  

Dog Poop Bags and Memorials: This Post Is about ME

The current trends in narcissism defy the natural half-life, almost like the collecting horcruxes.