A day that started off gray and gloomy ended with fantastic sights, smells, and tastes.
Honestly, how many hours of my life had I wasted searching for a spice jar?
Brightly colored and persistently blooming throughout the growing season, it is hard for any gardener to resist the lure of annuals, even as those doe eyes watch you dig your planting holes.
There are some plants that have escaped deer “predators” year after year.
Over the years, I have discovered that you can freeze spanakopita before baking it; when you are ready to eat it, just put the frozen, prepared pie into a cold oven and then set the oven to 350°F. It may take an hour for the pie to warm through.
Many people aren’t brave enough to ask for help.
Use podcasts as a carrot to get yourself to exercise, become informed, or just for fun.
Cleaning toilets can be easy if you stick to a schedule