Six kindergarten students line up for a photo.

The Beauty of Miss Shoff

My mom took me into the classroom, and right away my senses took in:

1) the smell of paste,

2) the miniature furniture, and

3) my beautiful teacher.

Mushrooms Bloom, Six on Saturday, September 1, 2018

What happens when it starts raining after a period of drought? Out pop the mushrooms.

watercolors are used to repeat a red dot pattern on paper

Reflecting on Yayoi Kusama’s “Infinity Mirrors” at the Cleveland Museum of Art

I didn’t notice how my reflection was getting lost as I progressed through the rooms.  It was only later, when I looked closely at the photos, that I noticed it.

a soft pink Japanese anemone flower in bloom

Crisp Air for a Fall Garden, Six on Saturday, 8-25-18

The tri-color dappled willow bushes (Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’) had a burst of growth, from 2 feet at the start of the season, to over 8 feet today. 

The Slowdown, Six on Saturday 8-18-18

Cherry and Roma tomatoes are doing well, but the heirloom tomato plants succumbed to some sort of rot, and the fruits are mealy and terrible.  Maybe there is a reason for hybrids.