My mom took me into the classroom, and right away my senses took in:
1) the smell of paste,
2) the miniature furniture, and
3) my beautiful teacher.
My mom took me into the classroom, and right away my senses took in:
1) the smell of paste,
2) the miniature furniture, and
3) my beautiful teacher.
What happens when it starts raining after a period of drought? Out pop the mushrooms.
This recipe is heavy on banana and lighter on sugar.
I didn’t notice how my reflection was getting lost as I progressed through the rooms. It was only later, when I looked closely at the photos, that I noticed it.
The tri-color dappled willow bushes (Salix integra ‘Hakuro-nishiki’) had a burst of growth, from 2 feet at the start of the season, to over 8 feet today.
Chilling is essential to getting the proper texture, so don’t skip that step.
Cherry and Roma tomatoes are doing well, but the heirloom tomato plants succumbed to some sort of rot, and the fruits are mealy and terrible. Maybe there is a reason for hybrids.