Blue pulmonaria, rhubarb and forsythia fill the garden with texture and color

Making Every Garden Border a Potager: Six on Saturday 5-19-18

I’ve got basil growing in the front, along with rose bushes.  Why not? Basil looks good all season long.

A Gardening Tip Is Only Good if It Really Works, Right?

I wasn’t going to risk our health, or contribute to the planet’s declining health, by resorting to weed treatments.  

A bowl of vibrant, green, sugar snap peas is tasty.

Stringy Peas? How to Cook Sugar Snap Peas Like a Pro

Are you wondering why sugar snap peas are labeled “stringless,” when it seems like all you get is strings after cooking them?

It’s not the peas. It’s you. (Sorry!)

a lined up display of yellow, white, and multi-colored daffodils

Daffodils of All Shapes and Sizes for Season-long Bloom

Daffodils were my favorite flowers when I was a little girl. I couldn’t imagine anything…

The Bullies Among Us: We’ve Lost Respect for Everyone

Why are we so ready to challenge anyone who volunteers to share their experience?