red geranium

Six on Saturday, 10-21-17

The geranium survived a herd of deer passing through the yard yesterday. It’s one of the bright spots left as the season winds down.

aster "Frikartii"

Six On Saturday 9-30-17

Honestly, I tried to see why this is called turtlehead and never got it – until I looked closely at this picture!

Clover mixed in a grass lawn

Clover In The Lawn Diet: Should You Plant Clover In Your Lawn? ?

Thinking back to my grandparents’ yard, I don’t recall that they ever applied fertilizer.

rhubarb stalks are bright red while the leaves are dark green

Rhubarb Compote: Don’t Just Say “No.” You’ll Love It!

You might just discover that you have found a new dessert favorite!