If you can make today a low sugar day, you are doing great! It isn’t easy to get through three consecutive low sugar days, so give yourself some credit. The more dependent on sugar you have become over the years, the more difficult it is to break away.
On the flip side, the longer you go eating a low sugar diet, the easier it gets to stick to this important lifestyle change. If you backslide, forgive yourself and start again. No one is perfect.
For more about the negative effects of a high sugar diet, read the November 21, 2017 article in the New York Times.
Today is an aerobic exercise day, so think about what you’d like to do and how you’ll fit it in your day. You are aiming for 40 minutes in your target heart-rate range, with a 5 minute warm up and 5 minute cool down.
Plan your menu today using the MyPlate app, and be sure to include the 50 minutes of exercise as credit toward your calorie totals.
If you missed the introductory post to 30 Days of Health and Contentment, click on the link for more information and links to the app.
See, also:
30 Days of Health and Contentment: Day 1
30 days of Health and Contentment: Day 2
Calcium Helps You Take Control
Are you getting enough calcium in your diet? If you consume a lot of salt (sodium) in your diet, you won’t absorb calcium as readily, so go easy on salty snacks and prepared foods.
Yogurt, cheese, kale, figs, and almonds are some of the foods that contain calcium. These would make great afternoon snacks to help you with those sugar cravings.
Easy Kale Salad
One of my favorite kale salads is super simple. I just chop kale into thin strips, and finely chop peanuts to sprinkle on top of the kale. This is delicious with a balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Mix the three ingredients together and let sit about 10 minutes before serving. The vinaigrette will soften the kale leaves.
Filet of Sole with Hazelnut Butter Sauce

A great dinner choice tonight is Filet of Sole with Hazelnut Butter Sauce. You can substitute any mild white fish, and blanched almonds in this recipe, if sole and hazelnuts are not readily available.
This afternoon, or when you get home from work, take 10-15 minutes to relax or meditate in silence before you transition to your evening chores. Try to make this a habit to bring some peace and calm to your life. You deserve it!
This post is not intended to offer medical advice. Check with your doctor before beginning any diet or exercise plan.
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