white flowers along long stem, five petals, pink markings

What’s Blooming in Ohio’s July Woodlands and Meadows

That sweet fragrance is coming from elderberry flowers that are open now.

pale blue petals surround the white corolla of columbine

Colorado Wildflowers – Six on Saturday, 7-7-18

The views are amazing, and a reward for the climb.  
I find the flora equally amazing. 

Three snow covered mountain peaks

Hiking Anthracite Pass Trail in Colorado’s Crystal River Valley

There are many wonderful hiking trails in this section of White River National Forest, but the Anthracite Pass hike has taken a top spot on my list.

Sweetshrub "Aphrodite" has large cerise blooms that smell like apples

Summer Garden Heats Up

One of the best shows so far has been a one year-old sweetshrub that I sensibly protected with deer net.  It has been sending out these beautiful cerise blooms on last year’s growth.